A tool accessible to all, from the self-employed to large companies
B2Brouter is a cloud-based solution that will help you to send and receive invoices and other electronic documents in the correct format, via the required network.
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Global connectivity
You can process the sending and receipt of electronic documents with public and private companies all over the world. You can manage all the electronic documents from one platform.
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Send and receive electronic documents in different formats. B2Brouter converts electronic documents into the format your client requests and accepts electronic documents in the formats your service providers send you, facilitating management.
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Using the directory, you can easily create a list of clients and service providers, by simply entering the tax ID number. The directory takes charge of the technical aspects such as the sending method, the format of the invoice and the specific codes.
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Easy and rapid integration
Through our API, we offer integration services for the exchange, approval, signature, conversion and sending of electronic documents such as invoices, orders and dispatch notes.
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Support for everyone
Managing electronic documents can be complicated on account of the large variety of networks and formats. B2Brouter provides a specialised platform, available for all users.
Companies that use B2Brouter
An API solution
Our integration service enables you to connect your work environment with B2Brouter to include all the advantages of electronic invoicing.
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'openssl'
url = URI("https://app.b2brouter.net/invoices/1.json?key=xxxxxx")
http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url)
request["Accept"] = 'application/json'
response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
B2Brouter operates globally
Become a B2Brouter partner
Our partners are management system distributors, solution developers and business consultants.
Being a B2Brouter partner will contribute towards you being able to dedicate more time to your clients and service providers, with the guarantee of offering them a global solution.
I want to be a B2Brouter partnerWe provide solutions
Explore our clients’ most frequent examples of use and the solutions we offer at B2Brouter
I need to send Peppol e-invoices to Australia
As in New Zealand, the Australian government encourages its suppliers to use e-invoicing. Therefore, in order to send e-invoices to Australia you must use Peppol e-invoices. If you want, you can also use this network for your private customers.
How to send Peppol e-invoices to Australia?Unifying the reception of e-invoices via the Peppol network
Big companies need to centralise the reception of electronic invoices from a large number of suppliers. An efficient way of doing this is to receive e-invoices via the Peppol network, which facilitates the management and control for companies.
Receiving invoices via the Peppol networkAutomate e-invoicing with the implementation of Peppol integration
The implementation of the Peppol integration allows companies to automate the sending of electronic invoices. It is perfect for companies that have to manage large volumes of invoices, as they can work directly from their management system and send invoices via the Peppol network.
Why do Peppol integration?I need to e-invoice to NZ public receivers
It is recommended to send e-invoices to New Zealand public receivers. The implementation of electronic invoicing is being carried out through the Peppol network and the UBL format.
Send e-invoices through PeppolInvoicing and tax programme
Freelancers and small companies need an efficient and simple way to manage their invoices.
Managing invoicingDo you want to be kept up-to-date?
Find out about digitalisation, electronic invoicing, international regulations and much more. Consult our blog to stay up-to-date on news from B2Brouter and the sector.