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What is the best e-invoicing software?

With the introduction of new regulations requiring companies to move to electronic invoicing, it is important to find the perfect solution for implementing these new processes. With this in mind, we will tell you which is the best e-invoicing programme and which are the main...

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What is the best e-invoicing software?

With the introduction of new regulations requiring companies to move to electronic invoicing, it is important to find the perfect solution for implementing these new processes. With this in mind, we will tell you which is the best e-invoicing programme...

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What is Peppol PINT?

Peppol PINT, also known as Peppol International Invoice, is a new specification for electronic invoicing. It acts as an extension of the Peppol BIS 3.0 standard, which is based on the EU e-invoicing standard format. How does Peppol PINT appear?...

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E-invoicing in the Netherlands

Electronic invoicing in the Netherlands has been mandatory since January 1, 2017. Since then, all suppliers of central public bodies (ministries and their departments and agencies), must use e-invoicing. In this article, we tell you everything you need to know....

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ViDA: Introducing VAT in the digital era

With the implementation of new regulations, companies are digitising their administrative and accounting processes. This is demonstrated, for example, by the emergence of electronic invoicing, which is gaining momentum. In this connection, the EU Commission is already working on a...

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How to create an XRechnung?

What is XRechnung? XRechnung is an e-invoice format that is mandatory for invoicing most German government administrations. It ensures a uniform exchange of invoices between the invoicing company and the respective administrative body. The baseline for XRechnung is provided by...

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E-invoice in Singapore: A Guide for Businesses

The adoption of e-invoicing in Singapore has increasingly gained popularity as businesses strive for greater efficiency and productivity. Our comprehensive guide will update you on Singapore’s e-invoicing landscape. With this article, you will understand all aspects of electronic invoicing in...

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How to create an e-invoice?

Creating an e-invoice in a structured electronic format (UBL, XML, etc.) and complying with the regulations is a complicated task for freelancers and companies. In this article, we give you some tips and explain how to create an electronic invoice...

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What is UBL format?

Do you know what UBL is? The implementation of e-invoicing is a big step forward. Since 2015, e-invoicing is mandatory when exchanging documents with the administration in some regions, and it will be for all companies soon. Therefore, the European...

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What is Peppol network?

Do you know what is Peppol? By now, e-invoicing is the future of commerce and fiscal management, and more and more countries around the world are adopting it as mandatory. Given the latest law developments, all companies regardless of their...

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How to send e-invoices to France?

E-invoicing in France is a reality. If you are a supplier to the French public administration, then you must send your e-invoices to your customers via Chorus Pro (Directive 2014/55/EU). What is the Chorus Pro portal? As mentioned above, e-invoicing...

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