How to create an electronic invoice?

Creating an electronic in a structured electronic format (UBL, XML, etc.) and complying with the regulations is a complicated task for freelancers and companies. In this article, we give you some tips and explain how to create an electronic invoice easily and completely free of charge.

First off, you should know in which cases you are affected by the obligation to issue electronic invoices. Each case may require generating the invoice in a different format, containing certain specific data, and sending the electronic invoice though a different network platform.

There are different options or tools that allow you to generate electronic invoices. These can be difficult to use and not very effective for companies. For this reason, we explain how you can generate an electronic invoice with our solution easily, completely for free and with no limit on the number of invoices.

Do you want to know how to create an electronic invoice?

B2Brouter is an online tool that allows you to create electronic invoices in a very effective way. Before you start, you must register for free. Once registered, log in to your account and create a company.

In the next step, you just need to create your costumers in the Contacts section. It is very easy, since B2Brouter has a directory of verified companies. By simply adding your costumer’s VAT number, all the important data are automatically filled in. You also need to set up the correct sending method and electronic format in which you should send the invoice for that particular customer. This way, you can forget about technical details and ensure you send the electronic invoice correctly.

Create an electronic invoice step by step

Once you create the customer to whom you want to send the invoice, access to the main menu. Click on the Income section and go to the Issued invoices part:

  • Open the option New, on the upper right part of the page.
  • In the drop-down, select Invoice.

On the next page, use the Client drop-down to select the company you want to invoice to. If the selected company has departments, branches or offices available for invoicing, a different drop-down is activated under Organizational Unit. If the option is not activated, you can continue without selecting any.

Lastly, use the option Continue to start adding your electronic invoice’s data.

General electronic invoice’s data

On the next page, you can see the different sections that allow you to create the invoice. You find yourself in the General data section, where you can add:

  • Invoice number
  • Date
  • Other information you need (file number, order number, etc.)

Once you fill in this information, go to the next section by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and using the Continue button.

Lines and taxes

In this section, Tax, you can add the taxes you want to apply to your electronic invoice:

  • You find available all the taxes generated when setting up your company.
  • Open the every tax drop-down and select the percentage you want to apply in the invoice.
  • The tax is calculated and applied when you save the invoice.

Next, you find the Lines section. This is where you can add the concepts of the electronic invoice:

  • In Name of product or service, indicate the concept or description of the line.
  • In Quantity, add the amount of the line you want to invoice.
  • In the Units option, you are able to modify the concept of the units (kg, km, packages, etc.)
  • In Unit price, indicate the unit price of the product or service you are reporting in the invoice’s line.
  • You can add as many lines as you need using the option + Add line, which you find at the bottom right of the

From this same page, you can also add extra information under Note on invoice or Legal note. To continue creating the invoice, navigate through the different sections.


Here, you can add the invoice’s payment method information:

  • In the Payment method drop-down, select how you want to charge the invoice.
  • You can also select the Due date.

Finally, use the Save and preview option at the bottom of the page to generate the invoice.

How to send an electronic invoice?

Once the electronic invoice has been created, you can check the document with the data provided.

In the upper part of the invoice:

  • You find the updated status.
  • You find the menu that allows you to manage the electronic invoice (Modify, Send, Download, Mark as…)

To send it, you just need to use the Send button. It is as easy as that, and B2Brouter takes care of the technical processes such as converting the invoice into the correct format required by the receiver, and sending the invoice using the correct method. You don’t have to worry about anything else!

Manage electronic invoices easily with B2Brouter

You can see how easy it is to create an electronic invoice with B2Brouter, but there are many reasons why working with us is a good idea:

  • Manage all your invoices with all your costumers: public, private, national and international.
  • Work from anywhere, it is an online tool!
  • Manage the receipt of invoices.
  • Work with different formats, such as XML, UBL, Facturae, Fattura PA, XRechnung…
  • Connect with different networks and platforms and manage ALL your invoicing with a single platform.
  • Integrate your management system or ERP with B2Brouter and work directly from your own system.
  • Comply with national and international electronic invoicing regulations.
  • Get ready for the new electronic invoicing regulations between private companies.
  • And much more!

Sign up for free and start invoicing now!