How to make a Credit Note

Thanks to the electronic Credit Note you can modify a previously sent invoice, create a credit memo or create a cancellation directly from B2Brouter, without having to contact your client. We tell you how:

Only users who have a Premium Plan can create electronic Credit Invoices.

What is a Credit Note?

A Credit Note is a type of invoice that allows you to make a modification to an invoice that has already been issued before, replacing it.

In the field of electronic invoicing, this type of invoice makes a lot of sense, since the way to modify an invoice that has already been sent is by means of a Credit Note.

Situations in which you have to make an electronic Credit Note

Sometimes you will find yourself in the situation of having to modify something in an electronic invoice that you had already sent to your client. At that time, you will have to make an invoice that rectify the content. We explain the most common cases in which you must make a Credit Note:

  • The customer data is wrong.
  • The description of the concept is not adequate or you have added a product with a wrong reference code.
  • You forgot some necessary information on your invoice, either at the request of your client (for example, an order reference) or for your own billing control (for example, the due date).
  • You applied a tax that you did not owe or with a wrong tax rate or %.
  • The price that you have indicated in some of the lines of the invoice is not correct and causes an error in the amount of the invoice.

How to make an electronic Credit Note?

To make the Credit Note, access the Invoices section and open the electronic invoice that you want to rectify by clicking on the number.

Once the invoice is open, at the top you will find the electronic invoice menu:

  • Press over the option More and a dropdown will be opened.
  • Choose the option Credit Note.

Then you can choose between two types of rectification:

  • Complete: To modify general data of an invoice already sent before (number, date, codes, description, etc).
  • Partial: To modify the amounts.

Finally you will access the form that will allow you to modify the corrective invoice and create it. The Credit Note will be created as a second invoice, so you must send it once it has been saved.

Do you need to send an electronic invoice as a Credit Note?

In that case, you need to access the Invoices section:

  • Select the option ”New” and then select Credit Note.
  • Select the customer to whom you need to send the Credit Note.

You access the invoice creation form. At this point, you must create the invoice by entering the data that the Credit Note must contain.
Finally, use the Save and Preview option and you will be able to send this invoice in the normal way and without having to do anything else. Your client will receive it as a Credit Note.

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