Send electronic invoice to Ayuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda

With B2Brouter you will be able to send electronic invoices to Ayuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda through FACe and correctly generate your electronic invoice in FacturaE 3.2 format with the mandatory DIR3 codes incorporated: Accounting Office, Processing Unit and Management Body.

Send electronic invoice to Ayuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda

Consult the DIR3 codes of Ayuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda to make an electronic invoice

Ayuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda

معلومات اساسية

  • NIF (CIF): ESP1103200J
  • Cuesta de Belén nº 1
  • 11540 Sanlúcar de Barrameda
  • Cádiz
  • إسبانيا
  • See the map
Invoice delivery method
نقل: FACe
نوع الوثيقة: FacturaE 3.2
الوحدات التنظيمية مكتب المحاسبة الإدارة وحدة المعالجة
ADMINISTRACIÓN GENERAL Y O.S.G. L01110321 L01110321 LA0005127
AGRICULTURA Y PESCA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005130
AGUAS L01110321 L01110321 LA0005111
ALUMBRADO PÚBLICO L01110321 L01110321 LA0005110
ARCHIVO MUNICIPAL L01110321 L01110321 LA0005135
BIBLIOTECA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005134
COMERCIO L01110321 L01110321 LA0005112
COMUNICACIÓN Y PRENSA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005123
CONTRATACIÓN L01110321 L01110321 LA0005120
Cultura y Fiestas L01110321 L01110321 LA0005133
DEFENSA JURÍDICA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005128
DEPORTES L01110321 L01110321 LA0005146
DEUDA PÚBLICA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005140
ENSEÑANZA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005145
Fomento de Empresas, Fomento y Comercio L01110321 L01110321 LA0005144
GESTIÓN PRESUPUESTARIA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005138
Infraestructuras L01110321 L01110321 LA0004738
Innovación Tecnológica y Calidad Administrativa L01110321 L01110321 LA0004734
INSPECCIÓN RENTAS L01110321 L01110321 LA0005139
Intervención L01110321 L01110321 L01110321
Intervención * INTERVENCIÓN L01110321 L01110321 LA0005136
JARDINES L01110321 L01110321 LA0005109
JUVENTUD L01110321 L01110321 LA0005147
LIMPIEZA PÚBLICA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005105
LONJAS Y MERCADOS L01110321 L01110321 LA0005114
MEDIO AMBIENTE Y PLAYAS L01110321 L01110321 LA0005142
OMIC L01110321 L01110321 LA0005121
ÓRGANOS DE GOBIERNO L01110321 L01110321 LA0005126
ÓRGANOS DE GOBIERNO - LA JARA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005131
PARTICIPACIÓN CIUDADANA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005143
PATRIMONIO L01110321 L01110321 LA0005119
PERSONAL L01110321 L01110321 LA0005124
PRESIDENCIA L01110321 L01110321 LA0005103
PROMOCIÓN DE LA CIUDAD L01110321 L01110321 LA0005107
RENTAS L01110321 L01110321 LA0005137
SANIDAD L01110321 L01110321 LA0005122
SECRETARÍA GENERAL L01110321 L01110321 LA0005125
SERVICIOS SOCIALES Y OTROS L01110321 L01110321 LA0005106
TURISMO L01110321 L01110321 LA0005108
URBANISMO L01110321 L01110321 LA0005129
VÍAS PÚBLICAS L01110321 L01110321 LA0005104

What is FACe?

FACe is the General Point of Entry of electronic invoices of the General Administration of the Spanish State. It is a single entry point for these documents and is valid for all autonomous communities.

The format supported by FACe is Facturae, with the obligation to specify the DIR3 codes.

B2Brouter is connected with FACe, so your invoices will be sent to the Point of Entry directly and automatically. In this way you can also be informed of the status of your invoice through our notification system.

What are the DIR3 codes?

The DIR3 codes are three mandatory data that must be specified in the electronic invoices issued to the public administrations of Spain. The 3 codes correspond to Managing Body, Processing Unit and Accounting Office.

In B2Brouter's directory you can find the verified DIR3 codes of Ayuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda as well as those of other public administrations.

When is it mandatory to make an electronic invoice?

In Spain, electronic invoicing has been mandatory since 2015 for suppliers of the public administration (Town Councils, Regional Governments, Generalitat, Health Services, Universities, etc.). Companies or freelancers that are subcontractors or contractors of public contracts must also issue their invoices in electronic format through the FACeB2B system.

For the public sector, invoices must be sent in Facturae format and electronic invoices must be sent through the appropriate Entry Point.

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