Send electronic invoice to Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat

With B2Brouter you will be able to send electronic invoices to Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat through eFACT Catalunya and correctly generate your electronic invoice in FacturaE 3.2 format with the mandatory DIR3 codes incorporated: Accounting Office, Processing Unit and Management Body.

Send electronic invoice to Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat

Consult the DIR3 codes of Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat to make an electronic invoice

Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat

Basic information

  • NIF (CIF): ESP0816800G
  • Pl. Vila, 1
  • 08820 El Prat de Llobregat
  • Barcelona
  • Spain
  • See the map
Invoice delivery method
Transport: eFACT Catalunya
Document type: FacturaE 3.2
Organisational units Accounting office Management body Processing unit
Activitat Econòmica L01081691 L01081691 GE0002247
Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat L01081691 L01081691 GE0002245
Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat L01081691 L01081691 GE0002259
Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat L01081691 L01081691 L01081691
Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat L01081691 L01081691 GE0016044
Alcaldia L01081691 L01081691 GE0002244
Assesoria Jurídica L01081691 L01081691 GE0018139
Ciutadania L01081691 L01081691 GE0002260
Comerç I Turisme L01081691 L01081691 GE0016719
Contractació L01081691 L01081691 GE0002246
Cultura L01081691 L01081691 GE0002249
Desenvolupament Urbà I Territori L01081691 L01081691 GE0002269
Educació L01081691 L01081691 GE0002250
Espai Públic I Projectes Urbans L01081691 L01081691 GE0002270
Esports L01081691 L01081691 GE0002252
Gabinet Premsa I Comunicació L01081691 L01081691 GE0002262
Gestió Tributària L01081691 L01081691 GE0002253
Habitatge L01081691 L01081691 GE0016759
Intervenció D'Activitats I Serveis L01081691 L01081691 GE0002243
Intervenció I Control Intern L01081691 L01081691 GE0015125
Joventut L01081691 L01081691 GE0012484
Logística L01081691 L01081691 GE0002254
Medi Ambient L01081691 L01081691 GE0002255
Mobilitat I Transport L01081691 L01081691 GE0002325
Ocupació I Economia Social L01081691 L01081691 GE0002248
Oficina D'Informació I Atenció Ciutadana L01081691 L01081691 GE0002256
Organització L01081691 L01081691 GE0002257
Pla D'Actuació Sant Cosme L01081691 L01081691 GE0002263
Policia Local L01081691 L01081691 GE0002261
Promoció de la Ciutat L01081691 L01081691 GE0011553
Protecció Civil L01081691 L01081691 GE0002272
Salut Pública I Consum L01081691 L01081691 GE0002264
Secretaria L01081691 L01081691 GE0002265
Serveis Socials L01081691 L01081691 GE0002266
Sistemes I Tic L01081691 L01081691 GE0002267
Tresoreria L01081691 L01081691 GE0002268
Unitat D'Infraestructures, Xarxes I Serveis L01081691 L01081691 GE0002251
Via Pública L01081691 L01081691 GE0002271

What is eFACT Catalunya?

eFACT Catalunya is the General Entry Point for electronic invoices for Catalan public administrations. All suppliers, companies or self-employed workers, must send their electronic invoices through eFACT Catalunya in order to be managed by the relevant Catalan Administration.

The format supported by eFACT Catalunya is FacturaE 3.2, with the obligation to specify DIR3 codes.

B2Brouter is connected to eFACT Catalunya, so your invoices will be sent to the Entry Point directly and automatically. This way you can also be informed of the status of your invoice through our notification system.

What are the DIR3 codes?

The DIR3 codes are three mandatory data that must be specified in the electronic invoices issued to the public administrations of Spain. The 3 codes correspond to Managing Body, Processing Unit and Accounting Office.

In B2Brouter's directory you can find the verified DIR3 codes of Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat as well as those of other public administrations.

When is it mandatory to make an electronic invoice?

In Spain, electronic invoicing has been mandatory since 2015 for suppliers of the public administration (Town Councils, Regional Governments, Generalitat, Health Services, Universities, etc.). Companies or freelancers that are subcontractors or contractors of public contracts must also issue their invoices in electronic format through the FACeB2B system.

For the public sector, invoices must be sent in Facturae format and electronic invoices must be sent through the appropriate Entry Point.

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